Knit Wits

For the Knit Wits of Paradise and Magalia.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What's New?.........Lot's!

For those of you who are interested in spinning your own yarn from fibers such as Alpaca, sheeps wool and etc., we will be stocking spinning wheels and supplies.

"Mystery knit night" did not get advertised soon enough, as it filled up (almost) before we could let all of you know. There is one spot open, so if you are interested, give us a call to find out more and reserve a spot.

The "Cat Paw" lace shawl will be a four session class to be held in early April. Come in and take a look at the samples and see, if you might want to make one of these lovely shawls. Call or come in to find out dates.

New yarn shipments are coming in almost daily. We have new yarns from Berroco, Tahki, Sublime and more.